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Harrison Butler designed

Boats derived from Harrison Butler's designs are
indexed separately : Invited Friends of the HBA


A : Harrison Butler Designed
Alexa (ex Envys) Sail N° HB AL213
Allegro (Became Zebedee)
Almonde Sail N° HB E173
Amiri Sail N° S M 63
Andiron Sail N° ---
Ara Sail N° HB P181
Arbrook (Became Jane)
Ard Chuan Sail N° HB CT92
Ardene (Became Dream of Arden)
Ardglass Sail N° HB CT91
Argo Sail N° HB A31
Ariel (Became Elgris)
Askadil Sail N° HB AL212
Astrophel Sail N° HB KA301
Aurora Sail N° -- -----
Avocet (ex Wee Bess) Sail N° HB M12
B : Harrison Butler Designed
Ballerina (Northern Ireland) Sail N° HB Z421
Ballerina (New Zealand) Sail N° HB T113
Beau Geste (Became Dindy)
Bismillah (ex Leueen) Sail N° allocated on application
Bolduster Sail N° ---
Bonveen (Became Va Danser)
Brenda Sail N° HB HK1
C : Harrison Butler Designed
Caracole Sail N° HB B191
Cariad (Became Myfanwy)
Catriona Sail N° HB AA341
Cautious Clara Sail N° HB DA353
Cayuco (ex Grey Owl) Sail N° HB Z272
Chencharu (ex Pegasus of Penang) Sail N° HB DA354
Chiquita (ex Selma) Sail N° HB Z422
Chloe Broken Up 1998  
Cimba Wrecked, 1990 Sail N° HB TA335
Clare (ex Norah II) Sail N° HB Z424
Clio II (Became Coot)
Cobber (ex Wraith) Sail N° HB Z435
Constar Sail N° HB Z420
Coot (ex Clio II) Sail N° allocated on application
Cora A Sail N° HB E177
Coverly (Became Memory)
Cruinneag Sail N° HB CT93
Crusader Sail N° HB C69
Curlew (Became Zebedee)
Cyclone Sail N° HB C68
Cyclone (New Zealand boat, see Senorita)
Cyclone I (Became Mouette)
D : Harrison Butler Designed
D'Vara Sail N° HB DA356
Darling Sail N° HB W41
Davinka Sail N° HB B195
Destina (ex Phoebe) Sail N° HB Y131
Diana Sail N° HB C65
Dilys Sail N° HB V161
Dindy (ex Beau Geste) Sail N° HB CT94
Discorde Info sought.
Dorado of Keyhaven (ex Merope) Sail N° HB E174
Dorothea Sunk 1967 Sail N° HB K121
Dream of Arden (ex Ardene) Sail N° HB DA355
E : Harrison Butler Designed
Edith Rose Sail N° HB ER251
Envys (Became Alexa)
Elgris (ex Ariel, Zoe) Sail N° HB T112
Englyn I Sail N° HB E172
Erin Sail N° HB HK2
Erla Sail N° none
Ethelinda (Became Rama II)
Evadne Sail N° HB HK3
F : Harrison Butler Designed
Fairwind of Kinsale Sail N° HB B194
Faoileag Sail N° HB B71
Faraway Lost at sea 1967/1968 Sail N° HB E171
Fastnet Sail N° ---
Fatima (See Fatmeh)
Fieber (Became Jane)
Fleetwing (wooden) (ex Seagull) Sail N° HB S21
Free Spirit Sail N° HB PH321 Recently broken up (June 2018)
Freiga Sail N° HB R51
G : Harrison Butler Designed
Galatea Sail N° HB F102
Garleffan Sail N° allocated on application
Gem Z4 for sale Southampton 1990 by Penny Gerrard : Info sought.
Græalan (ex Laughing Water, Swan Song) Sail N° ---
Grebe Info sought.
Greylag (ex Solo) Sail N° 1864Y
Grey Owl (Became Cayuco)
H : Harrison Butler Designed
Hallowe'en Sail N° HB Y134
Helen Jane (Became Svalen)
Here Now (Became June)
Hobby Sail N° HB C66
Hurricane Sail N° HB Z276
I : Harrison Butler Designed
Ibis Sail N° HB C67
Igor Sail N° allocated on application
Imke (ex West Wind) Sail N° HB W42
Ipora Sail N° ---
Irana Omega design : Info sought.
Irmiger The only build to the 1943 Irmiger design. Info sought.
Isabella Sail N° HB OA265
Isis Sail N° HB HK4
Itek Itam Sail N° ---
J : Harrison Butler Designed
Jacaranda Sail N° allocated on application
Jane (ex Arbrook, Fieber) Sail N° HB B196
Jarbruck (Became Stormalong
Jardine Sail N° HB KA303
Jaslia Sail N° HB OA262
Jolanda Sail N° HB OA266
June (ex Here Now, Tuskar) Sail N° HB Z437
K : Harrison Butler Designed
Kandoo (ex Possum) Sail N° HB C62
Kastag Sail N° HB Z423
Keepsake Sail N° HB ER252
Kelana Sail N° allocated on application
Kialen Built to Bogle design : Info sought.
Kingfisher (Became Little Kingfisher)
L : Harrison Butler Designed
La Bonne Sail N° HB N61
Laughing Water (Became Græalan)
Leueen (Became Bismillah)
Lierka (ex Thema II) Sail N° ---
Lindy II Sail N° HB D83
Little Kingfisher (ex Kingfisher) Sail N° HB C63
Little Wych Sail N° allocated on application
Little Zahry Sail N° allocated on application
Lord Jim OGA Boat Number 1131 in 1993 : Info sought
M : Harrison Butler Designed
Magellan Cloud (Became Watermaiden)
Marieux (ex St Julian) Sail N° HB Z419
Mary Gray Sail N° HB Z426
Mary Niven Sail N° HB Z273
Mat Ali Sail N° HB K122
Mayfly Sail N° HB P182
Memory (UK) (ex Coverly) Sail N° HB M11
Memory (New Zealand) Sail N° none
Memory (Became Svalen)
Merope (Became Dorado of Keyhaven)
Merrythought Sail N° HB Z271
Minion Sail N° HB CT95
Mischief III Sail N° HB Y136
Mist Sail N° HB HK5
Morena (Became Tramontana)
Mouette (ex Cyclone I) Sail N° HB C64
Muircaidh (ex Rohaneen) Sail N° HB Z275
Myfanwy (ex Cariad) Sail N° HB B192
Mytica Sail N° HB PA311
N : Harrison Butler Designed
Naiad Sail N° HB E176
Naida Sail N° HB AL215
Norah II (Became Clare)
Nunki Sail N° HB Z415
O : Harrison Butler Designed
Olador Dream of Arden design, located in Greece : Info sought.
Omega Breeze Sail N° HB OA264
Omega of Broom Sail N° HB OA263
Omega of Vancouver Not Built
Omicron Sail N° HB ON291
Onoma (Became Sea Falconet)
Othona Sail N° HB E178
P : Harrison Butler Designed
Papillon Thuella design, located in Portugal : Info sought.
Patricia Zyklon design : Info sought
Pegasus of Penang (Became Chencharu)
Pengüino Sail N° ---
Peradventure Sail N° HB E175
Phoebe (Became Destina)
Pilgrim * Englyn design, in Uruguay in 2002 : Info sought
Possum (Became Kandoo)
Prima Sail N° ---
Primavera * Thuella design, located in Hobart : Info sought
Prunella Sail N° ---
Py Sail N° ---
Q : Harrison Butler Designed
Quest Sail N° none
Quest of Sydney Sail N° HB V162
R : Harrison Butler Designed
Rama II (ex Ethelinda) Sail N° HB ST151
Reform Thuella London 1949 Chris Cooper Nick & Julie Perrott.
(Became Muircaidh)
Romadi Sail N° HB RA283
Rose of Arden Sail N° HB RA282
S : Harrison Butler Designed
Sabrina Sail N° HB Y135
Sage Sail N° HB KA302
Saltwind Sail N° allocated on application
Sara Sail N° allocated on application
Sarah John : Z4, John Fieldgate, refit St Osyth Boatyard Jul 1953
Seagull (Became Fleetwing)
Sea Falconet (ex Onoma) Sail N° ---
Sea Rider (Became Yarinya)
Sea Saga (Became Zingara)
Seasalter (Built in Australia) Sail N° HB F101
Sea Salter (Built in Britain) Sail N° HB AE241
Selamat Sail N° HB DA352
Selma (Became Chiquita)
Senorita (ex Cyclone) Sail N° HB CT96
Seven Seas Sail N° HB DA351
Shamrock Dream of Arden design, in Argentina 2002 : Info sought
Soliloquy Located in Sydney, Jeff Penfold-Hyland : Info sought
Sister (Became Sorella)
Sofia Sail N° HB OA267
Solo (Became Greylag)
Sorella (ex Sister) Total Loss 1967/1968 Sail N° allocated on application
St Julian (Became Marieux)
Stormalong (ex Jarbruck) Sail N° ---
Susan Little Known, possibly Sara Sail N° HB Z279
Suzanna II Sail N° C42 - possibly Z442
Svalen (ex Helen Jane, Memory) Sail N° HB Z444
Swan Song (Became Græalan)
T : Harrison Butler Designed
Talofa Sail N° HB CC221
Tamaroa Sail N° HB TA334
Thalamege Sail N° HB Y137
Thalia Sail N° HB Y138
The Lady Mary of Woodbridge (ex Tofana, Wild Flower) Sail N° HB ER253
Thema II (Became Lierka)
The Truant * Located in the Clyde : Info sought.
Thuella Sail N° HB TA331
Thule Sail N° ---
Tofana (Became The Lady Mary of Woodbridge)
Trade Wind Sail N° HB B193
Tramontana (ex Morena) Sail N° HB CA201
Trana Total Loss 1951/1952 Sail N° HB OA261
Treize Sail N° HB Z431
Tuskar (Became June)
U : Harrison Butler Designed
Undine Cyclone design : Info sought
V : Harrison Butler Designed
Va Danser (ex Bonveen) Sail N° HB T111
Vagabond Sail N° HB TA333
Velella Zyklon design, built in Italy : Info sought Sail N° HB Z277
Vindilis Sail N° HB D82
W : Harrison Butler Designed
Wanda Thuella design, Henry Wakelam's boat : Info sought. Sail N° HB TA332
Watermaiden (ex Magellan Cloud, Water Wraith II) Sail N° HB RA281
Water Wraith II (Became Watermaiden)
Wee Bess (Became Avocet)
Wendy Sail N° HB AL211
West Wind (Became Imke)
White Squall Khamseen design : Info sought
Wildflower (Became The Lady Mary of Woodbridge)
Winnibelle Sail N° --- (RF 41)
Wraith (Became Cobber)
X : Harrison Butler Designed
     . . . . .
Y : Harrison Butler Designed
Yarinya (ex Sea Rider) Sail N° HB Y133
Yoldia Sail N° HB D81
Yonne Sail N° HB Y132
Z : Harrison Butler Designed
Zair Sail N° not allocated
Zante Sail N° HB Z427
Zebedee (ex Allegro, Curlew) Sail N° HB Z416
Zellée Sail N° HB Z418
Zemmery Sail N° HB Z417
Zenocrate Sail N° ---
Zephon Sail N° HB Z278
Zephir Sail N° HB Z452
Zest Broken up 2013 Sail N° allocated on application
Zeta Sail N° allocated on application
Zingara (ex Sea Sage) Sail N° HB AL214
Zingaro Sail N° allocated on application
Zircon Sail N° HB Z425
Zoe (Became Elgris)
Zoraida Sail N° allocated on application
Zyclon Sail N° allocated on application

 This page last updated, 11th August 2020
(Fastnet, Winnibelle, Susan, Prunella, Aurora, Resolution, recently added)


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