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The 2020 Membership Arrangements
All with an interest in the yachting designs of Dr Thomas Harrison Butler are welcome to join the Association. Memberships on offer are Single £12, Joint £16, or Family £16. Fees fall due on 1st January each year, those joining for the first time after 1st October getting the remainder of the current year free.
Benefits of HBA Membership
     Yearbook of articles, members contact details, boat lists and home ports.
     Access to immense expertise on all aspects of HB designed boats by email.
     A page on the website for each member's boat.
     Invitations to the annual Fitting Out Lunch and Laying Up Supper.
     Invitations to the annual Summer Meet and Autumn Meet.
     Your boat added to our Home Ports Chart.
     Authorisation to fly the HBA Members' Flag on any boat.
     Authorisation to fly the HBA Burgee on an HB designed boat.
     Discounted price on high resolution digitised plans for most HB designed boats.
     Authorisation to attach an Authentication Plate to an HB designed boat.
     Access to the website password protected Members' Area.
     Invitation to the AGM
     Voting Powers on each motion arising at an AGM as follows;
             Per Single Membership, 1 vote
             Per Joint Membership, 2 votes
             Per Family Membership, 2 votes
How To Become A Member Of The HBA
Email Membership@HarrisonButlerAssociation.com (Robert Griffiths) stating
    Your name, postal address, telephone number, and email address.
    Boat name, from whom purchased and when, and her home port.
    If you'd like Single £12, Joint £16, or Family £16 Membership.
    Payment method; cheque, standing order, bank transfer or PayPal.
You will receive an email back.
    If paying by cheque, a postal address to send the cheque to will be given.
    If paying by standing order, an appropriate form will be attached.
    If paying by bank transfer, bank details will be supplied.
    If paying by PayPal, you'll be asked to use the appropriate button below.

Single Membership Payment, £12, via debit/credit cards or PayPal.

Pay by debit/credit cards or PayPal

Joint Membership Payment, £16, via debit/credit cards or PayPal.

Pay by debit/credit cards or PayPal

Family Membership Payment, £16, via debit/credit cards or PayPal.

Pay by debit/credit cards or PayPal

The 2019 Year Book was released to existing members on 1st July 2019. New members will receive a copy of this high quality, up-to-date, booklet upon joining as part of their 'new members pack'.

 This page last updated, 27th January 2020


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