| | Constitution 2018 - 2020
Includes amendments made at the 1992, 1993, 2016 and 2017 Annual General Meetings
The name of the Association shall be The Harrison Butler Association.
• To collect and record all relevant information on the yacht designs of Dr T Harrison Butler.
• To make information on these designs and on boats built to these designs readily available but the designs and drawings, being the property of the Harrison Butler family, shall be distributed by and at the discretion of the holders of the copyrights.
• To act as a link between owners of yachts designed by Dr T Harrison Butler and to promote an interest in these craft.
• To issue, at least once a year, a Newsletter containing contributions from members (ideas, suggestions, cruise notes etc.) and information on and news of yachts designed by Dr T Harrison Butler.
• To organise Meets at various anchorages around the coast during the sailing season and other social occasions if and when possible.
• To promote and foster a safe, responsible and seamanlike attitude to cruising.
• To raise funds to promote the skills necessary to build and maintain wooden boats.
There shall be the following Officers of the Association:
• preferably, to be a member of the Harrison Butler family, and to hold office for as long as the incumbent desires,
° President
° Vice-President
• to be elected at each Annual General Meeting, an Honorary,
° Chairman
° Treasurer
° Independent Examiner
° Membership Secretary
° Authentication Officer
° Press Officer
° Webmaster
° Yearbook Editor
° Social Secretary (South Coast)
° Social Secretary (East Coast)
4. Membership
• Single Membership shall be any person interested in Dr T Harrison Butler and his boat designs.
• Joint Membership shall be for any two persons (e.g. joint boat custodians), who share an interest in Dr T Harrison Butler and his boat designs.
• Family Membership shall for up to two persons and any young persons living with them as a nuclear family, interested in Dr T Harrison Butler and his boat designs.
• Honorary Members. The president may, at his or her discretion, appoint Honorary Members. Members may submit names to the President for consideration for Honorary Membership.
• Any class of membership will receive only one set of communications from the association (e.g. one yearbook) sent to the first named member.
• In the event of a change of ownership of an HB boat, it is incumbent upon any Member who is a boat custodian to give the name and address of the new custodian to the Honorary Membership Secretary so that contact with the boat may not be lost.
5. General Rules
• A General Meeting shall be held early in each year. The date, time and venue will be decided at the previous Annual General Meeting.
• An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at the request of ten or more members, provided that four weeks' notice is given to all members.
• A Committee of the Association shall be formed. The members will be all the elected officers who are also current or past custodians of boats. They may co-opt one other member.
° The Committee is empowered to make decisions on behalf of the Association, including financial decisions, for the timely conduct of its business between the Annual General Meetings.
° The Committee shall at all times work in accordance with the Constitution and in the best interests of the Association.
° Meetings of the Committee may be called as required by the Chairman, the Treasurer, or the Membership Secretary or any two others of its members, by inviting all the Committee members.
° Committee meetings require a quorum of three of its members for any decisions to be valid.
° A full report of the Committee's proceedings that year shall be made to each AGM by one of the Chairman, Treasurer or Membership Secretary.
6. Voting Powers
• Each Member shall have one vote on any motion.
• Family and Joint Memberships shall confer votes to two persons.
• Honorary members shall have the same voting privileges as other members.
7. Flags
• The President's flag shall be worn by the yacht in which the President is travelling.
• Members may only fly the Burgee on Harrison Butler designed boats.
• Members may fly the Members' Flag on any craft.
8. Subscriptions
• Fee for Single Membership to remain at £12.00
• Fee for Joint and Family Memberships to be £16.00
9. Treasurer's report
• The Association is a non profit-making association.
• An Annual Report on the state of the funds of the Association to be presented to the Members by the Honorary Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
• The Association shall be financially self-sufficient.